Sunday, March 3, 2013


The seaweed industry provides a wide variety of products that have an estimated total annual value of US$ 5.5-6 billion. Food products for human consumption contribute about US$ 5 billion of this. Substances that are extracted from seaweeds - hydrocolloids - account for a large part of the remaining billion dollars, while smaller, miscellaneous uses, such as fertilizers and animal feed additives, make up the rest. The industry uses 7.5-8 million tonnes of wet seaweed annually. This is harvested either from naturally growing (wild) seaweed or from cultivated (farmed) crops. The farming of seaweed has expanded rapidly as demand has outstripped the supply available from natural resources. Commercial harvesting occurs in about 35 countries, spread between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, in waters ranging from cold, through temperate, to tropical.

Eucheuma Seaweed may promote the oxidation resistance enzyme's activeness, strengthens the liver disintoxicating function, elimination free radical; The suitable supplement (magnesium, zinc, selenium, sulfur, germanium) and so on, it may also carry on the opposing reaction with in vivo heavy metal, heavy metal of toxin in vivo accumulation, discharges in vitro by way of the excretory system. It is very effective for constipation people, and it adjust the body weight, when after human body nonessential waste disposal, the body weight reduces naturally.

In short, Eucheuma / Sea Bird Nest Benefits :
  • It adjustments body acidity
  • Help to reduce cholesterol
  • It is diuretic and good source of low caloric diet
  • Good curative powers for neck pain and edema.
  • It has antibacterial power, expulsion of toxin
  • It helps to prevent thyroid and hair loss
  • Prevent constipation
  • Long term gastrointestinal disease, like stomach ache, ulcer, constipation, diarrhea, hyper acidity, dyspepsia and so on.

  • improvement hypertension and the hypo-tension
  • enables the thyroid gland function normalization
  • to eliminates nephritis effectively, arthritis,
  • Strengthens the blood vessel, promotion blood circulation.
  • improves rheumatism
  • Suitable supplement of natural collagen for joint cartilage, strengthens the physique and ligament, improves problem on joint ache and backache.
  • natural organic sea plant for vegetarian and older age for its supplement in rich calcium and iron.
  • Ideal weight lost diet for pre-menopause and obesity peoples.


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